there is debate over some
That said, there is debate over some aspects of John Paul's record, including his handling of the Catholic sexual abuse crisis. Officially, the Vatican insists that beatifyingand canonizing a pope is not the same thing as endorsing every decision of his papacy. Instead, it means that despite whatever failures occurred, the pope was nevertheless a holy man.. I reported for the course and the instructor came up to me and said "Hello Doug, you are still in one piece" or words to that effect. Squad and was now a Captain running the course. There was a good deal of map work and practical distance judging outdoors. I started thinking about the rental car insurance again: if a jackrabbit goes through your windshield or busts your grill? It could take weeks to get it repaired. My scalp still itched, but the coffee had worked its way through me by then so I pulled over exactly. I was absolutely alone, hadn seen another vehicle or the vaguest sign of another person since I left t...